Start your podcast, with ease.

Launch your podcast in just a few clicks, enjoy legendary support, and learn with free educational programs.

Get Started Today

Castos is trusted by the top creators

Starting your podcast doesn’t have to be complicated.

You’re just a few clicks away from your first podcast

Easy to understand podcast analytics

Know who is listening to your podcast, where, and from where. Understand your audience growth and which episodes your audience wants more of.

Automated distribution to all major listening directories

Castos has built-in distribution to everywhere your listeners are checking out podcasts. Including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, and YouTube.

Customized podcast websites

Your podcast needs a home, and that’s not Apple Podcasts or Spotify. It’s your podcast website. Castos’ built-in podcast websites are customizable to meet the look and feel of your podcast brand.

Easy podcast management

Watch as we set up a podcast account in less than 5 minutes.

YouTube video

Repurposing tools built-in

Podcasting is the most efficient way to create many forms of content. Think about transcripts, show notes, audiograms, and social posts. All done for you, automagically.

Built-in website for your podcast

All Castos podcasts get a website designed specifically for podcasts. Helping you get discovered and giving your listeners a great experience.

Unlimited Everything

Create as many new podcasts and publish as many episodes as you want, all within an easy-to-use platform. With Castos, your creative juices can run wild, and you’re free to explore as many content avenues as you want.

Embeddable players to take your content to your own website

Stay in complete control by taking any episode or list of latest episodes and embed that player on your own website on any platform.

Auto publish where your audience listens


See What Our Customers Have To Say

Castos and the Seriously Simple Podcast plugin have made podcasting so much easier for me and our team. Since switching to Castos, everything is managed on the backend of our website which saves so much time and limits potential mistakes.

Katie Wells

Wellness Mama

Castos makes it super simple to manage our shows. It’s much faster and more seamless than the other services we’ve used.

Srini Rao

Unmistakable Creative

Getting started is easy

Launch your first (or next!) podcast with ease

We make publishing your podcast as easy as 1-2-3

Connect to directories

Set up your distribution as a once-off configuration per podcast.

Create new content

Just focus on creating new episodes and engaging with your audience.

Automatically publish

Autopublish your podcast in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Sticher, Google Play and a host of mobile apps.

Manage all your podcasts from one easy to use dashboard

See just how easy it is to create your first podcast with Castos.