
We are looking for long-term, ongoing relationships with some of the top content creators in the industry.

Here’s what we’ll bring to the relationship:

  • A blog with 120,000+ monthly readers
  • An active email list of 30,000 (and growing) subscribers and an average open rate of 20%
  • Promotion to social media
  • Connection with our entire marketing team to help guide your content creation process

Here’s what we’re looking for from a new contributor:

  • Kickass content. No phoning it in with “me too” pieces
  • Truly Original – cannot be posted elsewhere or on your personal sites (now or in the future)
  • Data-driven if you’re giving an “outcomes” story it needs to be backed by numbers
  • Great storytelling – whether it’s a blog post, podcast episode, or live stream we are an authentic and transparent group, we’d love you to share the same rawness to your story
  • Can contain one link to your site or resources in the body, and one in the guest bio.
  • Long form. We don’t publish anything less than 1500 words, and would expect the same from a guest contribution
  • Content is of the same quality level, structure, and formatted with the other articles, episodes, and livestreams that our team puts out

If you’re looking for another avenue to share your podcasting knowledge and are ready to partner with an industry-leading content team we’d love to chat. Send us a message at [email protected] to get in touch.