
Your podcast, everywhere

Reach a global audience from your spare bedroom. Upload once, be found in every major podcast app.

All. The. Apps.

New podcast apps, aggregators and directories are being created at a cadence not seen since podcasting’s inception in the early 2000s.

As a trusted name and an outspoken advocate for open podcasting, Castos is among the first to work with new platforms, which means our customers benefit from early access to audiences, many of whom are discovering podcasts for the first time.

You own the content you make and choose if, when, and how to monetize. It’s our job to get you in front of as many listeners as possible, not to make deals on your behalf.

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts remains the primary repository of podcast knowledge. Your podcast being live on that platform is often the first step to sharing your voice with the world.


Castos and Spotify started working together in early 2018. With one click, new podcasts are published directly to Spotify’s directory, giving our customers access to listeners entirely new to podcasts.

Google Podcasts

For other apps and directories that maintain their own submission process, we offer step-by-step instructions so our customers can be there on day one.

Amazon Music

Castos was one of the first podcasting platforms to integrate directly with Amazon Music. And today Amazon Music is the fastest growing podcasting platform in the market. Our one-click submission of all of your podcasts to Amazon Music makes this distribution endpoint literally just a click away.

RSS and open standards

Without an RSS feed for apps to subscribe to, podcasts are just MP3 files somewhere in the cloud. Castos adopts and creates open standards to keep podcasting independent.

Content delivery network

Castos’ content delivery network spans over 30 locations around the world, so your listeners will always get your latest episode quickly.