Book Interrupted with Sarah Diop

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The Limelight
The Limelight
Book Interrupted with Sarah Diop

Sarah Diop wanted to create a book club for readers who were used to the business of life interrupting things like book clubs. That’s why the podcast Book Interrupted was born. The podcast includes a panel of six people who don’t stay strictly on topic, but instead, use the book they’re reading as a jumping-off point for other conversations. 

In fact, one of the things that makes Book Interrupted stand out as far as book clubs go is that it’s on-brand for them to go off-topic, not take themselves too seriously, experiment with different formats, and find themselves laughing and joking during their conversations. One of their missions is to reach and connect women readers, and they’ve succeeded, with a listenership that includes 82 countries.

Book Interrupted has used giveaways and contests to make itself noticed and drive engagement. For a monthly fee, the service Gleam has been an invaluable tool, keeping track of data and promoting their contests. They also lean into their purpose and subjects by giving away items that relate to what they’re doing. For example, their very first giveaway was a Kindle, a great choice for an audience of readers. They’ve also given away items that relate to books they’re reading. Book Interrupted runs giveaways a few times a year and has always seen a spike in engagement from them. 


Sarah Diop: Book Interrupted

Castos: The Limelight


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