Podiant Transition FAQ

Hello Podiant customers. Here we have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions you may have about the migration of your podcast, the Castos platform, and how the process of moving between the two will work. You can log into your Castos account here.

If you don’t see the answer to your questions here please shoot us an email to [email protected]

What if I need to cancel my Podiant account?

Once the migration to Castos is complete you can modify any of your billing information in your Castos dashboard. This includes things like upgrading or downgrading plans, updating your credit card information, or even canceling your account.

When will my Podiant account close, and my Castos account open?

The migration of your podcast contents from Podiant to Castos will take place throughout the day on June 24th. During this time your podcast will remain active in the Podiant platform. Once our engineers have verified that everything is properly migrated and set up on Castos we will then redirect your podcast websites and RSS feeds to their new homes on Castos.

This is the time when your show will then “Live” on Castos, and any changes you want to make to your show should happen on Castos.

Additionally, once this redirect phase is complete is when we will send you the user invites to log into your account and view your podcast info in the Castos dashboard.

Where is my RSS feed located?

Once the migration is complete your RSS feed will be located in the Castos platform.

You can find your RSS feed by navigating to the Podcast Settings -> Distribution tab for that podcast.

Do I need to update anything in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other directories?

No, our team is taking care of all of that for you.

Will I lose subscribers through this process?

No, using 301 redirects will ensure that podcasting platforms like Apple Podcasts, and those who have subscribed through those plaforms, will be sent to your show’s new home on Castos once the migration of your podcast data is complete.

What will happen with my analytics from Podiant?

We will be bringing over your analytics data from Podiant to Castos. This will happen during the month of July, and we’ll be in touch when that historical analytics data is live in the Castos Analytics dashboard.

I already had a podcast active in Castos, will my Podiant content be added to the same account?

If you already have a Castos account and a podcast (or several podcasts there) then any new content that will be migrated from Podiant will be added to that existing account. Nothing about your existing shows or account setup will need to change. The shows that were previously based on Podiant will just be added to your existing account.

When and how will I know when the migration is complete?

We will be in touch via email when the migration is complete and the redirects of your podcast website and RSS feed from Podiant to Castos is complete. This is the time when your podcast will be “Live” on Castos.

I have questions, who can I contact about my podcast?

You can message us any time through email at [email protected] or directly from your Castos dashboard by clicking the Help button.

What about the iFrame players that are posted on my website?

For now the Podiant players will stay active. Around the first part of July we will be automatically redirecting those to Castos players. And our team will be in touch when that update happens, but there’s nothing that you’ll need to do.

What if I need to publish an episode after the migration has begun, but before it’s complete?

No problem, that’s very do-able. If you need to publish an episode after the 9:00 am ET on Thursday, June 24th (when the migration will begin) but before the migration is completed you can do that by logging into your Podiant account and publish the episode as normal.

However, it is likely that this new episode will NOT be migrated over to Castos.

So, once the migration is complete you’d need to log into your Castos dashboard and publish the episode again there.

If there’s a doubt about whether an episode has been migrated take a look at your RSS feed to see if the episode is there.

How do I update the Custom Domain settings for my podcast website?

If you used your own domain (like myawesomepodcast.com) to point to your Podiant website previously you’ll need to update the DNS settings with your domain registrar according to the guidance in this help doc: https://support.castos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018923499-How-to-point-your-custom-domain-to-your-Castos-webpage

These settings should take effect within the hour, but depending on your domain registrar they can take longer.