Often when you’re creating a podcast you want it to be open to anyone and everyone who wants to listen or subscribe. But sometimes you want to have a private podcast that’s only intended for specific listeners.
In these cases restricting access to who can subscribe to your show is important so that you can share sensitive information with the confidence to know that only your intended audience will be listening.
Today, Castos is making adding those private subscribers to your podcast a lot easier.
For a while now Castos customers have had the ability to create a single global private RSS feed for any of their podcasts. But it was just that, a single private feed that all of your subscribers would share.
Private podcasts are a popular way for big brands and hobby podcasters to create premium content that’s for a select group of listeners. Learn why you should consider creating a private podcast and how Castos can help.
Now in your Castos dashboard, you have the ability to invite individual subscribers just by their email address. This feature allows you more fine-tuned control over who has access to your private podcasts.
Creating a private podcast and inviting private subscribers has just a few steps:
- Hide your Castos podcast webpage for your show
- Set your podcast to “Private” in the Distribution tab
- Add individual subscribers via their email address

That’s it! Whether your private podcast is for your company’s internal communications, membership site, or local organization, keeping private content private just got a lot easier.
Ready to set up your private podcast inside your Castos dashboard? Check out our Support documentation that walks you through how to add individual subscribers to your private podcast.
Private Podcast Integration with MemberSpace

Included in this new feature roll-out is a custom integration with MemberSpace. MemberSpace is one of the top WordPress plugins to create a membership site for online courses, video tutorial, and premium podcast content.
Connect your Castos API token with MemberSpace site, and then choose which Member Plans should receive access to your private podcast. Now, whenever a member joins any of the plans you selected, they’ll automatically receive an email invite from Castos with instructions on how to subscribe to the private podcast.
Creating a private podcast for your premium membership tiers has never been easier now that MemberSpace is integrated with Castos. Follow their documentation to integrate Castos with your membership site.