Today we release two exciting new additions to the Castos platform: new data points in your Castos analytics dashboard, and the integration of the Headliner audiogram tool.
These additional data points are in response to hearing you, our customers, loud and clear when you say:
More Data, We Want More Data
Better, more accurate, and more insightful analytics is something that all of us as podcasters want.
Details about who’s listening to our show are sometimes the only feedback we have about what is working, and what’s not. These new data points:
- Unique Listeners Per Episode
- Subscriber Count
are both great additions to gathering more detailed insights about your show’s audience.
But first, let’s talk about what may be the single best way to promote your podcast on social media: Audiograms.
Create Audiograms With Headliner
As we’re learning with our own podcast, effectively promoting your podcast is a big part of what separates really successful shows from those who never really get traction.
Those who find a way to consistently reach new audiences are those who grow their show far beyond the scope of what many of us believe is possible for our podcasts.
And a great way to do this is with audiograms.
What’s an audiogram? Glad you asked! Here’s an audiogram from a recent episode of our Audience podcast:
These are short snippets from your podcast episode that are converted into a great looking video format, mostly for social media sharing.
An audiogram like this does a few things really well that will help your podcast stand out from the many others that you might be competing with for your audience’s attention:
- It’s different. These are not static images, or much less just text. Video consistently gets higher engagement, sharing, and reactions on social media that images or text.
- It lets listeners know what to expect from an episode. We like to build our audiograms with the juiciest, most interesting part of an episode so that potential listeners will instantly be drawn to check out the entire episode and subscribe.
- It’s a rich experience. Audio and video all in one is just a better way to relay to your audience what your show is all about.
To help you get started we’ve put together this guide to how to create an audiogram with Headliner right from your Castos dashboard.

Our Headliner integration is available to all new and existing customers in our Growth and Pro plans, so check it out today. If you’d need to upgrade your account send us a quick message in the chat widget in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Additional Castos Analytics Datapoints
Moooore data, that’s something we hear all the time.
And we’ve listened. Now customers in Castos’ Pro plan have access to two additional data points that will provide a lot more insights into how many people are actually listening to your episodes on a regular basis: Unique Listeners, and Total Subscribers.
Unique Listeners
Differentiating Unique Listeners from overall Listens in an episode is important to determine how many individual people are listening to your podcast.
Sure, some people will start an episode, and come back later to finish it, or you might have those rabid fans who listen to some episodes multiple times.
It’s scenarios like these that drove us to create this data point for our customers. We want to be able to tell for individual episodes what is the difference between the total number of listens to a show, and the unique listeners.
The second new data point that we’ve introduced is a proprietary algorithm unique to Castos that estimates the number of Subscribers for your show.
While we can’t give away the secret sauce to how this number is calculated, rest assured that we feel this is an extremely close approximation of the number of people who are Subscribed to your show, across all listening platforms. The beautiful thing about Subscribers is that they are guaranteed to get every one of your episodes, and not just people who choose to listen one-off to episodes.

Recent data from industry experts, and Apple’s own intellectual property filings, show that Subscriber count is a huge factor in ranking algorithms in Apple Podcasts. So tracking how your Subscriber count is growing over time is a really helpful metric if you’re serious about the growth of your show.